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Accounting Dictionary – 27 - DIR

A&E can mean either Appropriation & Expense or Analysis & Evaluation. : Có thể được hiểu là Riêng biệt và Chi phí hay Phân tích và Ước lượng
A&G is Adminstrative & General. : Quản trị và Tổng quát
A&M is Additions and Maintenance. :Thêm vào và Bảo trì
A&P is an acronym for Administrative and Personnel. Dạng viết tắt của Quản trị và Cá nhân
ABA (Accredited Business Accountant or Accredited Business Advisor), in the US, is a national credential conferred by Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation to professionals who specialize in supporting the financial needs of individuals and small to medium sized businesses. ABA is the only nationally recognized alternative to the CPA. Most accredited individuals do not perform audits. Generally, they are small business owners themselves. In addition to general accounting work, CPAs are also heavily schooled in performing audits; however, only a small fraction of America's businesses require an audit. In general, a CPA has majored in accounting, passed the CPA examination and is licensed to perform audits. An ABA has majored in accounting, passed the ABA comprehensive examination and in most states is not licensed to perform audits.
ABATEMENT, in general, is the reduction or lessening. In law, it is the termination or suspension of a lawsuit. For example, an abatement of taxes is a tax decrease or rebate. : Hạ giá hay giảm giá:
ABC see ACTIVITY BASED COSTING. : Xác định chi phí theo PP ABC
ABOVE THE LINE, in accounting, denotes revenue and expense items that enter fully and directly into the calculation of periodic net income, in contrast to below the line items that affect capital accounts directly and net income only indirectly. Được hiểu là Doanh thu và Chi phí được tính toán đầy đủ và chính xác trước thu nhập. Ngược lại có nghĩa là sẽ ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến Tài khoản vốn và ảnh hưởng gián tiếp doanh thu thuần
ABOVE THE LINE, for the individual, is a term derived from a solid bold line on Form 1040 and 1040A above the line for adjusted gross income. Items above the line prior to coming to adjusted gross income, for example, can include: IRA contributions, half of the self-employment tax, self-employed health insurance deduction, Keogh retirement plan and self-employed SEP deduction, penalty on early withdrawal of savings, and alimony paid. A taxpayer can take deductions above the line and still claim the standard deduction.
ABSORB is to assimilate, transfer or incorporate amounts in an account or a group of accounts in a manner in which the first entity loses its identity and is "absorbed" within the second entity. For example, see ABSORPTION COSTING.
ABSORPTION COSTING is the method under which all manufacturing costs, both variable and fixed, are treated as product costs with non-manufacturing costs, e.g. selling and administrative expenses, being treated as period costs.
ABSORPTION VARIANCE is the variance from budgeted absorption costing of manufactured product. See also ABSORPTION COSTING.
ACAT (Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation) is a national organization established in 1973 as a non-profit independent testing, accrediting and monitoring organization. The Council seeks to identify professionals in independent practice who specialize in providing financial, accounting and taxation services to individuals and small to mid-size businesses. Professionals receive accreditation through examination and/or coursework and maintain accreditation through commitment to a significant program of continuing professional education and adherence to the Council's Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct.
ACB normally refers to 'adjusted cost base.' : Điều chỉnh chi phí cơ bản
ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION is a method of calculating depreciation with larger amounts in the first year(s). Phương pháp khấu hao nhanh. : Là Phương pháp tính khấu hao với số khấu hao lớn nhất ở năm đầu tiên sử dụng.
ACCEPTANCE is a drawee's promise to pay either a TIME DRAFT or SIGHT DRAFT. Normally, the acceptor signs his/her name after writing "accepted" (or some other words indicating acceptance) on the bill along with the date. That "acceptance" effectively makes the bill a promissory note, i.e. the acceptor is the maker and the drawer is the endorser. Chấp thuận - Thường được ghi trên Hối phiếu trả ngay hay trả chậm là sự chấp thuận việc thanh toán khi đến hạn hay ngay khi ký chấp nhận.
ACCOMODATION ENDORSEMENT is a) the guarantee given by one legal entity to induce a lender to grant a loan to another legal entity. b) a banking practice where one bank endorses the acceptances of another bank, for a fee, qualifying them for purchase in the acceptance market. : Ký` hậu bảo đảm thanh toán
ACCOUNT is the detailed record of a particular asset, liability, owners' equity, revenue or expense. : Tài khoản : Ghi chép chi tiết của tài sản, Nợ, Vốn chủ sở hữu, doanh thu hay chi phí
ACCOUNT AGING usually refers to the methods of tracking past due accounts in accounts receivable based on the dates the charges were incurred. Account aging can also be used in accounts payable, to a lesser degree, to monitor payment history to suppliers. Là Phương pháp theo dõi các TK phải thu dựa trên sự thanh toán hay được sử dụng để kiểm soát các khoản đã trả cho nhà cung cấp (TK phải trả)
ACCOUNT ANALYSIS is a way to measure cost behavior. It selects a volume-related cost driver and classifies each account from the accounting records as a fixed or variable cost. The cost accountant then looks at each cost account balance and estimates either the variable cost per unit of cost driver activity or the periodic fixed cost. Phân tích kế toán : là biện pháp đo lường cách ưứg xử của Chi phí : xem xét xem Chi phí phát sinh là Định phí hay Biến phí
ACCOUNTANT'S OPINION is a signed statement regarding the financial status of an entity from an independent public accountant after examination of that entities records and accounts. Báo cáo kế toán trình bày về tình trạng tài chính của một doanh nghiệp từ ý kến của kế toán viên công chứng sau khi đã kiểm tra việc ghi chép kế toán của đơn vị đó.
ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION is the process by which debits and credits are identified to the correct accounts. : Phân loại tài khoản: là quy trình theo đó nợ và có được xác định chính xác theo các TK:
ACCOUNT GROUP, in accounting, is a designation of a group of accounts of like type (for example: accounts receivable and fixed assets). Nhóm TK kế toán : Ví dụ Nhóm TK phải thu
ACCOUNTING is primarily a system of measurement and reporting of economic events based upon the accounting equation for the purpose of decision making. Generally, when someone says "accounting" they are referring to the department, activity or individuals involved in the application of the accounting equation. Kế toán: Là hệ thống ghi chép do lường và báo cáo các nghiệp vụ kinh tế theo phương trình kế toán nhắm mục đích cung cấp thông tin cho việc ra quyết định
ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS are the assumptions underlying the preparation of financial statements, i.e., the basic assumptions of going concern, accruals, consistency and prudence. Các định nghĩa về kế toán: Các giả định về cách thức trình bày báo cáo tài chính : Tính hoạt động liên tục, dồn tích, nhất quán, thận trọng.
ACCOUNTING CYCLE is the sequence of steps in preparing the financial statements for a given period. Chu trình kế toán: các bước của việc chuẩn bị báo cáo tài chính cho 1 thời kỳ
ACCOUNTING DIVERSITY is the recognition that many diverse national and international accounting standards exist in the world. Sự thay đổ kế toán: Là việc ghi nhận sự thay đổi của chững chuẩn mực kế toán quốc gia và quốc tế
ACCOUNTING ENTITY ASSUMPTION states that a business is a separate legal entity from the owner. In the accounts the business’ monetary transactions are recorded only. Đơn vị kế toán : Cho rằng Kinh doanh là việc tách rời những nghĩa vụ pháp lý giữa Doanh nghiệp và chủ.
ACCOUNTING EQUATION is a mathematical expression used to describe the relationship between the assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the business model. The basic accounting equation states that assets equal liabilities and owner's equity, but can be modified by operations applied to both sides of the equation, e.g., assets minus liabilities equal owner's equity. Phương trình kế toán : Là mối quan hệ toán học giữa tài sản, nợ và Vốn chủ sở hữu : Có nghĩa là Tài sản = Nợ phải trả + Vốn chủ sở hữu
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