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Tiếng Việt (chỉ 1 phần)

tương tự như Beast Wars và Beast Machine, Shadow Riders (còn gọi là Wars Planets) cũng là 1 trong những sản phẩm film 3D vừa từng gắn liền với tuổi thơ của only và có thể là vài người khác trong forum. Nhưng ai dám nói rằng hồi nhỏ có thể hiểu hoàn toàn cốt truyện của nó, những bài học mà bộ film mang lại? Đó là lý do only xin giới thiệu và giới thiệu lại cho tất cả người: Shadow Riders!

Ở một hệ mặt trời kia, có 5 hành tinh, trong đó chỉ có 4 hành tinh có sự sống: Fire, Ice, Rock và Bone. Mỗi hành tinh đều có các tài nguyên và chủng tộc riêng, nhưng thay vì hợp tác phát triển, , là chiến tranh đánh nhau để tranh giành và cướp bóc tài nguyên của nhau. Fire cung cấp năng lượng, Ice cung cấp nước, Rock cung cấp đá và khoáng sản, Bone cung cấp thức ăn.

Graveheart, một miner của Rock Planet, trong chuyến "ăn cướp" nước từ Ice Planet, vừa cùng với Ice King nhận được lời thông báo từ Tek:"Coi chừng Beast Planet!"

Tiếng Anh (đầy đủ)
ai giỏi ngoại ngữ , nên xem, khá hay, mình đang nhờ người dịch, sẽ sớm cập nhật full bản TV sau

The Story:

The story begins moments before the destruction of Planet Tek. Princess Tekla and Voxx, her robotic companion, flee their world as it is consumed by the Beast Planet and escape attacking Beast Drones. She escapes her solar system to the system of the Cluster through a Beast Armada hole in space. Tekla travels to the Cluster to warn them of the approaching danger. As she travels through the system, the Beast attacks her and she crashes on Planet Ice, where she is rescued by Graveheart. Soon the Beast attacks, which convinces King Cryos to form an alliance of the Cluster worlds against the Beast Planet. The first season revolves around Graveheart's, who has become the de facto leader of the Alliance, efforts to convince the leaders of the other Cluster worlds to join the Alliance. The first planet they visit is Planet Rock, but under Lord Mantle's leadership, they feel that the Battlemoons are enough to defend their planet, and do not join the Alliance but Graveheart's friend Jade joins him to Giúp rally planets Fire and Bone to his cause, after an attack on Planet Rock by Beast Drones. In the end, Planets Fire and Bone join the Alliance and they soon realize that the Beast Planet must have set up a base somewhere nearby from which it is launching its attacks on the Alliance. They find out that it is Remora and the three worlds send a huge fleet to wipe out the Beast Drones on the planet, but the destruction of Remora only serves to anger the newly arrived Beast Planet. Planet Rock has now joined the Alliance, using its five powerful Battle Moons to Giúp destroy Remora, but the Beast Planet destroys one of the moons with ease from half way across the solar system, and sets out to consume Planet Fire.

Another moon is lost in the battle to defend Planet Fire and nothing is able to stop the Beast Planet. Planet Ice is almost destroyed in the battle but Tekla discovers the World Engines and saves the planet and as the Alliance relocates the people of Planet Fire to the Battle Moons, the World Engines on Fire are also activated. But Fire’s engines are damaged by the Beast Drones and the planet is too slow to avoid the Beast Planet. The Grand Vizier then uses the engines to ram the Beast Planet with Planet Fire. Fire is consumed by the Beast Planet and the rest of the Alliance worlds use their engines to move away from the Beast Planet. On their journey, they discover Planet Sand which joins the Alliance and Planet Jungle, which the Alliance uses as a trap. They fill it with enough explosives to destroy the planet and detonate them as the Beast Planet consumes it, but the Beast Planet is still in one piece. The inhabitants of Jungle survive when a single plant is given to the Alliance. The Prison Planet then teleports into the path of the Alliance and Graveheart, Jade, Cryos and Emperor Femur are sent to investigate but the all crash on the planet. As a rescue is about to be attempted, the Prison Planet teleports away.

On the Prison Planet, Graveheart and Cryos are captured by a fHành động of convicts led by Jewelia, a devious woman who takes a liking to Graveheart. Femur, unfortunately for him, is taken, along with Jade, by a second fHành động commanded by Sternum, Femur’s nobler brother, and arguably the rightful ruler of Planet Bone. Convinced that their friends have been slain by the other faction, the two pairs join the fight on the side of their respective fHành động until the truth is revealed.

Meanwhile, the Beast Drones attack the Alliance and Lord Mantle takes control of the Alliance by force. Thinking that his planet is superior to the Beast Planet, Mantle sends the Battle Moons to attack the Beast Planet, but an armada of Beast ships capture Planet Rock and Blokk kills Lord Mantle in single combat. As the Beast Planet is about to consume Planet Rock, the Prison Planet teleports into its path and as it is being consumed Graveheart and his group use Sternum's Telepod to travel to Rock and they then teleport the Prison Planet away and it takes the Beast Planet with it. A final battle between Graveheart and Blokk results in Blokk’s demise, Jade’s rise to ruler of Planet Rock and the Alliances new era of peace. Meanwhile, the story ends moments before the destruction of Planet Reptizar at the hands of the Beast Planet.

Episode List:

Season 1

1. Behold the Beast

With the destruction of planet Tek, a sole survivor princess Tekkla accompanied by a probe travels to another system to warn all planets from the Beast Invaders. She crash lands on planet Ice where a quarrel between the Royal legion of King Cryos confronts a Rock expeditionary mining squad, including Graveheart. A beast cohort launches a scale attack and only the Ice sovereign, Graveheart and a convalescent Tekkla survive the first purge. King Cryos and his aids heal their former adversary and welcome Graveheart in joining the Alliance. Meanwhile, the Beast Armada invades the system and positions itself…

2. On the Rocks

The Aurora, Cryos Flagship, travels to planet Rock to convince Lord Mantle about the Alliance. Sadly, the army arrests Graveheart and the Rock King expulses the Ice King determining he is still his greatest enemy. Lord Mantle condemns Graveheart to imprisonment. Besides, Blokk the supreme warlord of the Beast launches an invasion on planet Rock with Voyd permission. Jade, a rock commander and a long time friend from Graveheart, releases him and run to the Core central to activate the planet’s defense The Battle Moons. They succeed but Lord Mantle banishes the “miner” still not believing the alliance. Despite all odds, Jade agrees to join them claiming to watch her friend’s back.

3. Born in Fire

The Aurora travels to planet Fire in hope of convincing prince Pyrus to join them. The obstacle resumes been the Grand Vizier who doesn’t trust strangers. He orders Graveheart and King Cryos to survive a labyrinth of lava where lava dogs are lethal beasts. Meanwhile, Zera, Cryos daughter, is furious at prince Pyrus for not intervening but a Beast battalion intervenes their bashing words and wounds the young lord of Fire. However, Jade arrives at the last moment and saves the children. Graveaheart and Cryos survive the test and Fire is pleased to join the Alliance.

4. Bad to the Bone

The Alliance travels to planet Bone but finds out a surprise the Beast planet is already there. Emperor Femmur, an arrogant and egoistic leader, agreed to welcome both the Beast and the Alliance on his world. Lamphrey the Deceiver and her agents convince the Bone Emperor to side with them and send on the run King Cryos, Graveheart, Jade and prince Pyrus. The young prince of Fire believes he can reason with Femmur but is captured by Lamphrey and her warriors. The plan is revealed that the Field generator built on planet Bone will not protect the planet but will seal the entrance to any Alliance Battle Fleets. When betrayed, Femmur rescues prince Pyrus and simulates a diphiên bản allowing the Aurora to destroy the Field Generator giving their fleets the chance to swarm the invaders. Bone joins the Alliance. Back at their World Fortress, Lamphrey tells Blokk and Voyd that someone is responsible for the unity of their world…she believes her to be Tekkla.

5. Wolf in the Fold

Lamphrey possesses the body of Tekkla and intends to crash the fragile Alliance in murdering its leader Graveheart. Her plan fails when she mentions details the real Tekkla couldn’t know. She escapes inside Femmur’s flaghsip heading back to Bone.

6. Mind War

Tekkla and Lamphrey battle for the domination of the Water princess body and spirit. Tekkla manages to defeat her enemy and regains control of her.

7. J'Accuse

Someone frames Jade of a murder on planet Fire and on this world the capital punishment for murder is the same a death sentence. Graveheart leads prince Pyrus and the Grand Vizier on an investigation and the miner determines the fingerprints aren’t those of rock people. Lamphrey the Deceiver and her warriors shown up and the group is rescued by princess Tekkla and King Cryos. Jade is miễn phí and the heroes have saved the day.

8. Blood is Thicker...

Someone has kidnapped lady Zera, the young princess of planet Ice. It turns out to be Blokk who wants King Cryos to choose between family and duty. If the Ice king chooses family he will have to abdicate the throne. Cryos and Jade rescue Zera while Tekkla and Gravheart defend the palace with prince Pyrus and Femmur. At the end, the Ice sovereign surrenders the throne to the army commander Medstar.

9. Rock and Ruin

The Alliance returns to planet Rock to convince Lord Mantle but Tekkla fails. Emperor Femmurs suggests a cunning plan of persuasion besides the Rock King and Tekkla agrees. She is tricked, for the Bone emperor intentions are only to steal the Battle Moons for himself. Latter, Blokk orders his legions to swarm on planet Rock while the defenses are away. Gravheart and Tekkla head to recapture the Battle Moons and save the day in time.

10. Against all Odds

Prince Pyrrus and Lady Zera are accidentally crash landing on planet Remora, a dead world. They must escape Blokk and his millions of warriors.

11. Uneasy Hangs the Head

Graveheart believes he is not the leader for the Alliance. The miner remembers when his younger brother Mica died on a trip to planet Fire. He failed him. Jade consoles her old friend and convinces him to stand firm.

12. Ragnarok Part One

The assault on planet Remora begins. Cryos is once more sovereign of planet Ice and Bone, Fire and Ice stand against their common enemy. On planet Ice Tekkla and Voxx search for a special weapon in the depth underground. Despite what it seems, Blokk , Lamphrey and Voyd are waiting the right to unleash the ultimate power of Remora against their enemies. Blokk fights on and Emperor Femmurs abandons his comrades leaving them to fend for themselves. The Beast Planet fires and destroys half the battle fleets…

13. Ragnarok Part Two

The Alliance stands against their greatest galactic enemy. Remora unleashes even more of its offensive strike forces and damages the Ice and Fire battle fleets greatly. In the end, Jade and the Battle Moons rescue the day and it seems Remora is destroyed but Voyd with Blokk and Lamphrey escape to fulfill their plan. The Beast planet shows up and annihilates one of the Battle Moons… The Beast wins.

14. Worlds within Worlds

The Battle of Remora continues with Beast Planet invading the solar system. The Alliance retreats but their almost invincible intergalactic Enemy targets planet Ice and not even the Battle Moons can protect it. Tekla and lady Zera discover world engines on planet Ice and activate its thrusters escaping the wrath of the Beast planet.

Season 2

15. This is the way the World Ends...

The Beast planet targets planet Fire and Graveheart and Tekkla must hurry to find the world engines. During the invasion, Graveheart is injured saving prince Pyrus. The Grand Vizier witnesses the sacrifice and reconsiders his judgment towards the outlanders. In the end, everything is lost for planet Fire but the Grand Vizier sacrifices himself and tells prince Pyrus that his new friends are indeed worthy ones. The beast planet consumes planet Fire killing the Grand Vizier.

16. Period of Adjustment

Emperor Femmur and Pelvus must make good commitment to return in the Alliance. They agree to feed the people of Fire with supplies. Bone rejoins the Alliance.

17. Blaze of Glory

Captain Blaze and his renegade squad steal one of the battle Moons and attempt to regain their lost honor in destroying the Beast Planet. But when Blokk and his battle fleets almost seize prince Pyrrus, Captain Blaze return to save his young lord. At the command center, Jade is contacted by Lord Mantle to finish their bargain…

18. Sandstorm

The Alliance travels to planet Sand. Lady Zera meets one of the Sand People, Zuma. She is a telepath. In the end, the great Sand People save the day with their mind power.

19. Girls Night Out

Jade, princess Tekkla, Lady Zera, Pelvus and Zuma head for moon mayhem to socialize between them. To reconcile Tekkla gives Jade the key of the Cluster defenses. During their funny trip they are attack by Fire’s pirates and smugglers and Lamphrey and her watchmen.

20. Time Bomb

The Alliance of the Cluster find planet Jungle and they are willing to sacrifice this non-living world to trap the Beast Planet and Blokk forces pushing them over edge. On a trip to planet Jungle they plant the explosives but living plants ask for their help. Tekkla finds out the world engines were destroyed long ago. The vegetation on this world is doomed. Femmur is asked by a living root to be taken with him. The Beast planet consumes planet Jungle and Blokk is victorious.

21. Embers of the Past

The Alliance finds some residues of planet Fire. It seems the Grand Vizier is alive but his explanations and his words don’t watch his last when he seemed to have died to hold the Beast Planet. He doesn’t even seem grateful towards Graveheart, Cryos or anyone. The ashes arise and it is revealed it isn’t the Grand Vizier but a fake hallucination made by the Beast planet. The Alliance retreats in the nebula to evade destruction from Blokk and his battle forces.

22. Divided We Stand

The Alliance detects a signal from a mysterious planet which is determined to be a battleground. Graveheart and Cryos head for east while Jade and Femmur for west. They crash land and loose contact with their fleet. The miner and the Ice King are found by Jewelia and her band of criminals. However, she finds a liking for the former rock soldier. Jade and Femmur meet Sternum who a tough warrior from planet Bone. Sternum relocates the prison planet to another location evading the scanners of any possible enemies…

23. Nor Iron Bars a Cage

It turns out the prison planet can teleport itself. Sternum is revealed been Femmur’s brother when Tekkla and Pyrrus must confront Lord Mantle who wants authority and leadership to rule the Alliance. He jams all defenses from every vessels and a Beast patrol damages a few Blade wings. However, Jewelia and Graveheart lead an attack on Sternum’s camp but its technology is superior to their own arsenal. Sternum was the rightful ruler of Bone before been framed by his brother but now reserved a cold death for Femmur. Graveheart and Jewelia retreat while Tekkla has no choice to pass over leadership to Mantle. The Rock King reveals a key which is the defense key given by Tekkla to Jade… On the prison planet Jade is set to kill Femmur.

24. Death of a King

Both factions of the prison planet prepare for their next battle. Jade helps Sternum with the maintenance around the base while Cryos and Graveheart devise a plan to get to the teleport engines. Meanwhile Tekkla, Zera and Pryus receive a summon from Lord Mantle in which he reveals to the three his intent of wiping out the Beast Planet with an all-out assault from the battle moons in which Pryus objects because of his people living on the battle moons. Back on the prison planet, Jewelia beings her assault on Sternum's base while Cryos and Graveheart move underground. Detecting enemy presence in the underground and threatening Femur to provide Jade with backup, Sternum intercepts Graveheart and Cryos. Both groups engage with each other with Graveheart's mind set to exact Jade’s supposed death. Jade herself narrowly escapes assassination from Jewelia's sniper. In retaliation to Rock's attack, the Beast sends out its armada that wipes out rock's defenses easily. Blokk and his men infiltrate the throne moon in which King Mantle calls back the battle moons after Pryus' pleading and the realization that his moons are doing no damage. Blokk and Mantle engage in battle in which in the end Blokk proves victorious and kills the Rock Lord.

25. The Long Road Home

The Beast has captured Planet rock, and starts to round up the planets population. On the Prison Planet, the fight between the two fHành động continues, but Graveheart, Cyros, Jade, and Femur are reunited. The Sand people find the Prison planet and guide the planet back to Alliance worlds. When they teleport back, the planet ends up in between the Beast planet and Planet Rock. As the Beast Planet's maw closes onto the Prison Planet, Sternum activities the teleporting engines and it and the Beast Planet are teleported to parts unknown.

26. Ascension

The episode opens with Lord Mantle's funeral. As Graveheart speaks and the alliance watches, Blokk kills three Rock soldiers. Tekla, Pyrus and Zera confront Jade to demand why she would betray them, and Graveheart reveals that it was to convince Mantle to lend them the Battle Moons for the fight with Remora. Graveheart then asks Jade to be the next ruler of Rock. After an argument, she agrees and goes for the test. Blokk enters the World Engine and kills all the Rock soldiers except the captain, and steers the planet for the closest star. He then contacts the alliance and demands for Graveheart to come face him. Cryos informs Graveheart, who goes to meet Blokk in the world engines as Jade takes the test for all royalty. She succeeds after it shows Graveheart dying against Beast Drones. The real Graveheart enters a battle with Blokk while Voxx, Tekla and Cryos go to repair the engines and get the planet away from the star. Graveheart gets Blokk far away, onto large poles that support the middle of the World Engine. Voxx repairs it and Jade steers the planet away as Graveheart finishes Blokk off by plunging the Forcefield Generator inside him and throwing the Beast Drone off the supports. In the aftermath, Jade makes Graveheart an official Rock citizen, and the series ends with the Beast Planet devouring another planet, with the subtitles: Planet Reptizar... on Doomsday.


Episode 1 - Worlds within 231.38 MB
Episode 10 - Nor Iron Bars a 199.64 MB
Episode 11 - Death of a 243.53 MB
Episode 12 - The Long Road 251.01 MB
Episode 13 - 272.12 MB
Episode 2 - This is the Way the World Ends….mov 274.2 MB
Episode 3 - Period of 224.56 MB
Episode 4 - Blaze of 241.3 MB
Episode 5 - 232.56 MB
Episode 6 - Girls Night 247.72 MB
▼ And 2 files more
Episode 1 - Behold the 244.56 MB
Episode 10 - Against all 244.02 MB
Episode 11 - Uneasy Hangs the 215.13 MB
Episode 12 - Ragnarok (Part 1).mov 241.1 MB
Episode 13 - Ragnarok (Part 2).mov 269.85 MB
Episode 2 - On the 232.68 MB
Episode 3 - Born in 262.17 MB
Episode 4 - Bad to the 270.78 MB
Episode 5 - Wolf in the 259.32 MB
Episode 6 - Mind 268.91 MB
Episode 7 - J' 262.36 MB
Episode 8 - Blood is Thicker….mov 224.06 MB
Episode 9 - Rock and

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[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

topic vắng quá, không ai vào


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[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

Hi hi bạn chủ thớt này cũng ở đồng tháp. Cùng quê với mình ^^. Nghe bạn PR hay quá mình phải xem thử mới được. ^^
[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

duytanx9 Hi hi bạn chủ thớt này cũng ở đồng tháp. Cùng quê với mình ^^. Nghe bạn PR hay quá mình phải xem thử mới được. ^^ nhưng hiện tại thì đang ở cần thơ, cùng quê với tui
[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

Cái này thì đúng hồi xưa VTV3 Việt nam chiếu rồi!

tiếc là kết thúc nữa chừng không có gì hay, kể về 1 quái vật tên Megatron đi xâm chiếm các hành tinh trong vũ trụ

bên cạnh đó, có 1 nhóm người đá, người lửa, loài lương cư... cùng tập hợp thành 1 nhóm để chống lại Megatron,

hết cuộc chiến này đến cuộc chiến khác mà vẫn không thấy cái kết, chán quá nên nghỉ xem rồi!

Không biết bạn nguyenthiensinh1 vừa post đủ tập chưa?

Mọi người xem cái này nhớ lại nhiều bộ phim khác nữa, được chiếu từ năm 1995 - 2000 đó!


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[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

huydanh11223 Cái này thì đúng hồi xưa VTV3 Việt nam chiếu rồi!

tiếc là kết thúc nữa chừng không có gì hay, kể về 1 quái vật tên Megatron đi xâm chiếm các hành tinh trong vũ trụ

bên cạnh đó, có 1 nhóm người đá, người lửa, loài lương cư... cùng tập hợp thành 1 nhóm để chống lại Megatron,

hết cuộc chiến này đến cuộc chiến khác mà vẫn không thấy cái kết, chán quá nên nghỉ xem rồi!

Không biết bạn nguyenthiensinh1 vừa post đủ tập chưa?

Mọi người xem cái này nhớ lại nhiều bộ phim khác nữa, được chiếu từ năm 1995 - 2000 đó! Mấy series này khó có kết lắm bạn à, nên toàn là kết thúc mở thôi


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[Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

hùi xưa cũng xem fim này nhưng không xem dc trọn bộ T_T jo có chủ thớt iu vấu up nên miz` mới dc coi lại tks nhìu nak`

---------- Bài thêm lúc 14:10 ---------- Bài trước là lúc 13:46 ----------

mong rằng bộ này sẽ có sub việt


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Re: [Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

Có còn ai theo phim này không, t muốn xem mà không có sub việt, ai có xin share với


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Re: [Canada] [DVD RIP] Shadow Raiders - Hành tinh quái vật... 1 thời để nhớ FULL 26/26

Trích dẫn từ tinphahoai:
Có còn ai theo phim này không, t muốn xem mà không có sub việt, ai có xin share với

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