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Using language games to motivate the 11th graders in English speaking classes = Sử dụng trò chơi chơi ngôn ngữ nhằm gây hứng thú cho học sinh lớp 11 trong các giờ học nói: Luận văn Thạc sĩ Giáo dục học


1.1. Rationale
Nowadays, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communication than ever. Therefore, in some recent years, the focus of teaching has been promoting oral skills in order to respond to the Students’ needs for effective communication.
However, due to some objective and subjective reasons, teaching and learning English in general and teaching and learning speaking in particular does not come up to the study aims. In spite of teachers’ efforts to provide students with opportunities to develop their communicative skills, how to teach and learn speaking effectively is still a challenging question to both teachers and students at many high schools in Vietnam.
At Ha Huy Tap high school, for most students they find speaking especially important yet most challenging one. It has been proved that some students got into a habit of learning “mute English” which obviously harmful to a language learner. It also seems to the writer that the techniques exploited during a speaking activity such as: role plays, simulations, discussions… are not really effective. Therefore, it is a necessity to find a supplementary technique used in teaching speaking.
Games can Giúp teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. It can be realized that the common tendency of these methodology writers is that teachers should be more active in using classroom activities to Giúp students recycle lexical items. One of the most recommended activities is games. According to them, games are highly motivating, competitive and fun. They also bring a relaxed atmosphere and create more opportunities for students to practise . With games, students will enjoy themselves, be stimulated and get involved in speaking. As a result, they can learn new lexical items faster and remember better. With so many advantages, games seem to be an effective way in teaching and learning a foreign language in general and speaking.
All the aboved- metioned reasons and factors have inspired the writer to conduct a research titled " Using language games to motivate the 11th graders in English speaking classes ”
1.2.Aims of study
The study is aimed at:
- Investigating the situation of teaching and learning speaking to the 11th graders in classroom.
- Investigating the effectiveness of using games in teaching speaking to the 11th graders at Ha Huy Tap high school.
- Providing some suggestions and implications for the improvement of speaking teaching at Ha huy Tap high school by using games in addition to other techniques.
1.3. Scope of the study
The study focuses specifically on using games in teaching speaking to the 11th graders at Ha Huy Tap high school in Nghe An. So the study limits itself to the teaching and learning speaking only, and the subjects of the study are students from two classes studying “Tieng Anh 11” text book at Ha Huy Tap high school.
1.4. Research questions
With the above objectives, the research questions are:
- How to motivate the students in English speaking lessons?
- How often are games used in teaching English speaking lessons at 11th graders in Ha huy Tap high school?
1.5. Methods
In the process of carrying out this study, the survey questionnaire is used to collect data for the study. The survey questionnaire including pre-task survey questionnaire and post- task survey questionnaire is for 80 eleventh form students from two classes of Ha Huy Tap high school.
1.6. Organization of the study
The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter I, Introduction, includes rationale for the study, the aims, methods, scope, and design of the study. Chapter II comes the second, in which a theoretical background was presented. Chapter III on research methodology comes next with the responsibility for specifying the factors for the researcher to collect and process the study data. Following is Chapter IV namely ‘Findings and Discussion’, in which the data is described and discussed. Chapter V comes last with the responsibility for the solutions to the weaknesses. A summary of the findings, the limitations of the study, are also mentioned in the last chapter.


Theoretical background relative to the topic and surveys of articles, books and other resources relevant to a particular study topic will be presented. This part will also provide description , summary, and critical evaluation of each work quoted.
2.1. Communicative language teaching
The history of language teaching has shown a lot of changes in approaches and methods, which reflects the recognition of changes in the sort of proficiency learners need. Teaching a second language used to be aimed at enabling learners to read and appreciate class of literature. Therefore, any teacher who was able to reach this aim was thought to be a good teacher (Le, 2004).
Most learners of English nowadays desire to be able to communicate with others in the language they learn. Parallel with this change in the aims of learning English, methods of teaching has to be changed. For a long time, many language teaching methodologists have constantly looked for the most appropriate way to teach English efficiently. As a result, many language teaching methods and approaches have come into being such as:
- Grammar-translation method
- The Direct method
- The Audio-lingual method
- The Audio-visual method
- Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Mackey (1965) remarks that most of the methods which have ever been developed still continue to exist in one form or another as each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, grammar-translation method is easy to implement and cheap to administer, which makes it still be used in many classroom situations.

In my thesis, I only focus on Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) as it is considered the current methodology and one of the most effective approaches to teach learners to speak in a second language.
2.1.1. Definitions of CLT
So far, CLT has been viewed differently by different authors such as Wilkins (1972), Nunan (1989), etc. According to Nunan (1989:194), “CLT views language as a system for the expressions of meaning. Activities involve oral communication, carrying out meaning tasks and using language, which is meaningful to the learner. Objectives reflect the needs of the learner including functional skills as well as linguistic objectives. The learners” role is as a negotiator and integrator. The teacher”s role is as a facilitator of the communication process”. It is thought that this definition contains aspects that are common to many other definitions.
Margie S. Berns (1984: 5), an expert in the field of communicative language teaching, writes in explaining Firth”s view that "language is interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a clear relationship with society. In this light, language study has to look at the use (function) of language in context, both its linguistic context (what is uttered before and after a given piece of discourse) and its social, or situational, context (who is speaking, what their social roles are, why they have come together to speak)" (Ann Galloway. “Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities”. cal.org ).
2.1.2. Characteristics of CLT
The communicative approach can be said to be the product of language educators and linguists who became dissatisfied with the Audio-lingual and Grammar-translation, which could not enable learners to communicate in the culture of the target language. David Nunan (1991) points out five features of CLT:

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