
Well-Known Member
Tiền không thể mua hạnh phúc, chúng chỉ có thể giúp chúng ta
In our busy daily life, with money we can buy a house, but not a home as well as we can buy a clock, but not time.
In fact, if we have much money, we can build a luxurious building, but we cannot buy the warm and comfortable
atmosphere in our family. Also, we can buy a good bed with money, but we cannot buy a good sleep. Therefore, it is
clear that money cannot buy true love as well as true happiness in our real life, but money is very necessary to us in
life. This is only because we live in a materialistic society. In fact, with money we can buy what we need in our busy
daily life. In addition, almost everybody knows the value of money because nothing can be bought without money.
However, we should use money in doing something helpful. It is better to put money in sound investment than in
speculation. Indeed, there is no way to avoid saying that “Money cannot buy happiness, but it can help.” Therefore,
we should use our money properly. Those who use it properly will find the way to success because the right use of
money may bring us a comfortable life and a cheerful heart. In short, I completely agree with the above saying.

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