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Starter: I've got brown hair. This is my cousin. Where's Billy? There is / are ... can / can't GfrlIl::b ~ 0 Numbers 11-20 FamiLy CoLours Toys AnimaLs Outdoor activities Words Grammar Phonics Skills Reading: a description on a web page SchooL Consonant bLends: What / When have listening: identifying schooL rooms subjects dr tr cr we got ...? Speaking: What have we got in the art room? dr: drum dress We've got ... We've got ... SchooL tr: truck tree our / their Writing: capitaL Letters, writing about my rooms cr: crayon crab schooL subjects (WB) Consonant bLends: R: information texts fl pI bl l: identifying after-schooL activities After-schooL I visit ... fL: flower flat s: I read a book. I don't ride a bike. activities I don't have ... pL: plum plate W: verbs, writing about what I do after schooL bl: blanket blue (WB) R: instructions on making a card Consonant bLends: l: identifying suitabLe presents for peopLe What does he like? cl 91 51 according to their preferences SpeciaL days He likes / doesn't cL: cloud clock s: What does he like? He likes tennis. like ... gl: gloves glue W: Long and short forms, writing about sl: slide slippers presents for my mum (WB) Everyday R: information texts long voweLs: activities What's the time? l: listening for time and activities a+magice It's o'clock. S: He has breakfast. lake face Times of He at ... o'clock. W: identifying Wh- questions, writing about gate plane the day my day (WB) R: a weather report What's the weather long voweLs: l: identifying the weather at certain times like? i+ magic e from the weather report It's ... bike white Weather S: It's Monday. What's the weather like? Put on / Don't put kite line activities W: verbs and adjectives, writing about the on ... nine weather (WB)

R: a poem: 'At the coach station' Present continuous: Long vowels: L: identifying people by their clothing What are you 0+ mogic e S: What's she wearing? She's wearing ... wearing? nose bone He's wearing a red shirt. Who is it? What's he wearing? rope home W: writing the time, writing about my clothes I'm / He's wearing ... stone (WB) Review 2 48 Test practice 2 50 Movers Reading and writing Present continuous: What are you / they R: a descriptive email Celebrations doing? Long vowels: L: listening for detail to distinguish between I'm/We're/ u + magic e photos Getting They're ... June tube S: What's he doing? He's dancing. readl,l What's he / she fLute cube W: present continuous verbs, writing about doing? a party (WB) He's / She's ... R: a newspaper article Short & long vowels L: identifying people by their feelings and Memories Past simple: cub cube appearance I was / wasn't ... tap tape S: He was a Lion (in the schooL pLay). Tidying up You were / weren't ... pip pipe W: and / or, writing about me and my friends (WB) R:afairytale People Past simple: L: identifying actions and emotions ng/nk There were some / S: What's Suzy doing? She's ... ng: ring king swing Ordinal weren't any ... Is she sad? Na, she isn't. She's ... nk: bank sink pink numbers Irregular plurals W: irregular plurals, writing about a school open day (WB)
Starter 1 Listen and sing. ~ 01 2 Sing and do. Welcome song welcome back Welcome back, To all our friends. It's a happy day. Fun and learning A day for learning, Never end! A day for play! 3 Listen and read. ~ 02 This is my cousin, Tim. He's got green eyes.
1 Listento the story again and repeat. Act. 2 CircleT (true) or F (false). 1 Rosy's got brown hair. 0 F 2 Tim is Rosy's brother. 3 Tim's got brown eyes. T F 4 BiLLy's got curly hair. 5 Billy is four. T F 6 Billy is under the bed. 3 Listenand number. ~ 03 mum dad brother sister grandma grandpa aunt uncle cousin 4 Point and say. long cu rly straight < This is ROSy's mum. She's got curly hair.) ( This is ROSy's dad. He's got ... ~
1 Look, ask and answer. tiger monkey parrot giraffe eLephant How many giraffes are there? How many monkeys are there? (There are ... monk~ 2 Listen and point. Ask and answer. ~ 04 yellow pink purpLe grey
play tennis Jane can ride a bike n} " ride a bike ride a horse fly a kite MiLL~ ~ Can Paul swim? ) ( NO, he can't. ~ ~ Can Milly climb? ) (Yes, she can. ~
1 listen, point and repeat. ~ os 2 listen and chant. ~ 06 , moths English science music 3 listen and read. ~ 07 We've got English. Then we've got maths. Don't forget these.
1 Listento the story again and repeat. Act. 2 Lookand say. What have we When have we got PE? These are You can wear got on Monday? We've got PEon our PE bags. their clothes. We've got English. Thursday. These are Those are These are Those are our bags. bags. T-shirts. T-shirts. 4 Point, ask and answer. / I \ Monday Thursday 9·00 maths sdence art mUSlC < What have we got on Tuesday? ) ( We've got ... ? « When have we got ... ? ) ( We've got ... on ... ?
Lesson Three Song 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 08 sports fieLd 2 Listen and sing. ~ 09 3 Sing and do. In the playground We have lots of fun. We play, we talk, wejump, we run. At our school. At our school. At our school. On the sports field We do PE. We play sports together, You and me. In the art room We paint and draw. We put our pictures On the walls. In the computer room We look and hear. We put the headphones On our ears.
1 Listen, point and repeat. ~10 dr "'-f7~' - '.• tr cr drum dress truck tree crayon crab 2 Listen and chant. ~11 A train and a truck, G •Me ~.: _i : •..• :-. ••••• '"3 A crab and a drum. I draw with my crayons, And I have fun. A girl in a dress, A bird in a tree. Get your crayons, And draw with me. 3 Readthe chant again. CircLe the sounds dr, tr and cr. 4 Listen to the sounds and join the Letters. ~12 What has the boy got? dr dr cr dr cr dr tr ---tr cr dr tr tr cr dr cr tr tr cr dr tr cr
Skills lr;me! Reading 1 Look at the picture. What schooLsubjects can you see? 2 listen and read. ~13 r At our school we've got a big computer room. We've got 12 computers in the room, one for every pupil. The computers have got headphones, so the pupils can listen and speak. In the computer room, the pupils can study English, music, maths and science. They do art here too; they can draw and colour pictures with the computer. The computers also Giúp the pupils to read and write. In Primary 2, the children come to the computer room every Tuesday and Thursday. Everyone likes these lessons. 3 Read again. CircLethe faLse word and write the correct word. 1 We've got a~a~computer room. J2lg_ 2 We've got 18 com puters. 3 The pupils can Listen and eat. 4 The computers Giúp the pupils to run and write. S The children come every Tuesday and Wednesday.
Listening 1 Listenand number. ~ 14 Speaking 2 Point,ask and answer about your schooL. on the sports field in the classroom in the art room in the computer room football nets computers ~ what have we got in the art room? ) (we've got ... ~ Writing 3 Circle the capitaL Letters at the start of the days of the week. We' ve got mat h son ®u e s day. 1 What have we got on Wednesday? 2 We go to the computer room on Thursday. 3 We've got art on Monday. 4 Have we got PE on Tuesday?
1 Listen, point and repeat. ~15 2 Listen and chant. ~ 16 Giúp my mum watch TV 3 Listen and read. ~17 CD Let's play after school this week, Alice! sorry, no. , have a music lesson every Monday. How about Tuesday?
1 listen to the story aga inand repeat. Act. 2 Look and say. I visit my grandma I don't have I go swimming -0 I don't watch every Tuesday. a music Lesson. every Thursday. TV. Giúp I my homework. 1 swimming. I mydad. I my grandma. 4 Point and say. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday o ~ Monday.) I visit my grandma. , don't go swimming. ~
Lesson Three Song 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~18 r~ , ~ r r ~ ~. ~'I.. •.. :~.. ~ read a book 2 Listen and sing. ~19 3 Sing and do. After school, There's a lot to do. Things on my own, And things with you. I do my homework, , Giúp my mum. Then I play with friends, ~ And we have fun. After school ... , write an email, , read a book. , listen to music, , Giúp to cook. After school ...
1 Listen, point and repeat. CS)20 fl pl bl plum plate blanket blue o 2 listen and chant. CS) 21 Plums on a plate, Plums on a plate. Blue plums, black plums, Plums on a plate. A blanket on a bed, A blanket on a bed. There's a pretty ~ower On the blanket on the bed. 3 Read the chant again. CircLe the sounds IL, pL and bL. 4 listen and compLete the words. CS)22 fl pl bl -p~a t e
Skills lFimel Reading 1 Look at the pictures. Say what the chiLdren do. 2 Listen and read. ~23 My name's Max. After school, I do my homework. Then I go to the park. I play football with my friends. Then I watch TV. I'm Julia. I love art. After school, I draw and paint pictures. Then I write stories. I put the stories and pictures on my bedroom wall. I'm Luke. After school, I Giúp my mum and dad. Then I listen to my CDs. I sing the songs. I really like music. My name's Sara. I like sport. I go swimming every Monday. I play tennis with my brother every Tuesday. And every Thursday I skate in the park with my sister. 3 Read again. Who does each activity? M = Max, J = Julia, L = Luke, S = Sara. 1 go to the park M 2 write stories 3 go swimming 4 draw 5 listen to CDs 6 Giúp mum and dad 7 play football 8 skate in the park
1 Listen and tick (.I) or cross (X). ~ 24 o Speaking 2 Look and say. go sWimming read a book have a music lesson ride a bike Listen to music do homework play football write an email ~ Number 1.) (I read I a book. don't ride a bike.> ~ Number 2.) G> Writing --------------------/,...----------------,----- Remember 3 Circle the verbs. verbs are doing words. ~ ~ I~my bike. 18football. 1 I play tennis. 2 I skate in the park. 3 I ride a horse. 4 I visit my cousin. 6 I do my homework.
1 Listen, point and repeat. ~25 2 Listen and chant. ~26 chocolate present cake card 3 Listen and read. ~ 27 It's Billy's birthday tomorrow. Let's buy presents. What does he like? No. Billy doesn't like balloons. He's scared of balloons. Billy is asleep now. Put his presents here. It's a surprise! Thank you for my presents. I'm three now!
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family and friends grade 4
family and friends grade 5
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