
Well-Known Member
The outline:
1. The beginning
2. Importance of Science
3. How it has helped
4. Changes in our homes, etc.
5. The end
Science has brought many changes in the world today. It is used in all the corners of the world for the benefit of man.

The motor-car or the electric lamp that we use today was not known to people who lived generations ago. Owing to the use of Science the people of today are able to do many things with ease and comfort. Travel has become very easy. So men’s activity has increased greatly.

Science has also been used to treat the sick and the sounded. As a result, people can now live a longer life than their ancestors could. Even the most serious diseases do not frighten people so much as they did before.

Further, Science has made it possible for people to sit at home and see the world around. The television, the newspaper and color books Giúp millions of people to learn at home. The radio too has done much to teach and inform people in all parts of the world.

It is therefore necessary for us to learn Science, if we wish to enjoy greater comforts.

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