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Some strategies for dealing with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension for students of English faculty, Hanoi open university

Reading is an important tool for people of many societies allowing them to access information or knowledge. Everyone needs reading skills for various purposes as survival, broadened knowledge and pleasure. Reading is a basic skill not only every school requires but every job expects. It is the fact that skills of reading and analyzing documents or a variety of data sources are major factors which affect a person’s work results and his salary as well. Therefore, improving reading skill is very important for undergraduate students of English in general and English faculty at Hanoi open University in particular.
Reading is not just pronouncing words but requires understanding. However, the first tiling students learning English as a foreign language meet when they are reading is the vocabulary. Many students probably consider that tìieừ mam problem in reading is not having a big enough vocabulary. Most students who meet an unfamiliar word they cannot interpret are first likely to ask what it means. If they do not find out the word’s meaning, they cannot go on reading and comprehending the text. College material contains unfamiliar words and specialized or technical vocabulary that students must learn. Also, college textbooks in general are written at a higher level than other materials, so some effective strategies for dealing with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension are necessary.
In studying process, the author of this paper and other students of English faculty at Hanoi open University have met many difficulties made by unfamiliar words in reading comprehension. Therefore, the author would like to present some reading compehension and unfamiliar word knowledge and propose some effective sừategies for dealing with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension for students of English faculty at Hanoi open University.
lế2 Aims of the study:
It is obvious that reading plays an important role in our life. No worker can work well without reading documents and no student can study without reading books. Yet, we always have trouble with unfamiliar words in reading. The objective of the study is to bring out some strategies which are helpful in dealing with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension for students of English faculty, Hanoi open University. In this study, the author would like to focus on finding what difficulties students usually meet when encountering unfamiliar words in reading and from that point, the author would like to bring out some effective strategies to Giúp students learning English as a foreign language in general and the students of English faculty at HOU in particular to overcome tìieừ difficulties. To Giúp students deal with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension, this study focused on the following main points:
• Overview of basic knowledge on reading comprehension and unfamiliar words in reading
• Difficulties made by unfamiliar words in reading comprehension for students
• A survey to get what exactly students find hard in encountering unfamiliar words in reading comprehension and their habit of dealing with this
• Proposed effective strategies of dealing with unfamiliar words in reading comprehension based on the result drawn from the survey.
Hopefully, this research will be a good source for students in general, especially the students of English faculty at HOU in particular.

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