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Chia sẻ miễn phí cho các bạn tài liệu: Ways of expressing future in English ─ How Vietnamese learners learn and use them effectively

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1. Rationale
Time plays a key part in humans’ language: “Humans conceive time in terms of space, as shown by the language that we use to talk about temporal relations: we habitually speak of stretching out or compressing an activity heading toward the future, returning the past and so on” (Whorf, 1956).
And “Time and space are the basic categories of our experience and our cognition, and without efficient communication about them, no well-coordinated collective action, hence no human society, would be impossible” (Wolfgang Klein, 1994).
Until now, there have been many research topics about time expression in English as well as in Vietnamese. However, the topic Ways of expressing future in English ─ How Vietnamese learners learn and use them effectively focuses on studying future express in English then study how learn and use them effectively. This topic is carried out with the following reasons:
Some people want to study a foreign language because they think it offers a chance for advancement in their profession. Some study a foreign language because they want to know more about the people who speak that language. Some people do it just for fun etc. There are students who study a language because they have an idea of something that they wish to achieve, or just because it’s a compulsory subject etc. Such reasons might somewhat influence the learning styles or strategies. Whatever purposes the learners have, knowledge of the target language or the second language clearly shows the interference from the mother tongue.
In other words, the second language learners already know a first language, whereas the mother tongue children start with zero state. The mother tongue children progress from an initial state of knowing nothing but their innate quality or ability to a final state of knowing everything about a particular language (the second language). Adults learning the second language posses competence in their mother tongue. Learned knowledge may increase with age. So, in some ways the second language learners are better prepared for language learning.
Theoretically, there exist many research works on future expression in English with typical research such as Pence R.W.,Emery D.W. (2005), Randolph Qirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffreey Leech, Jan Svartvirk (1985 ), B.Ilyish (1965), Roderick A. Jacops (1995), Pence R.W., Emery D.W. (2005), Wekker H. Chr. (1976), Nehls D. (1988)... These researchers studied future expression on English in relationship with time expression in English.
Through this topic, it is always hopeful that this thesis will be helpful to English learners in their studying. The thesis will Giúp the Vietnamese learners of English overcome difficulties and errors by mentioning information involving future expression on English.
2. Aims of the study
The study Ways of expressing future in English  How Vietnamese learners learn and use them effectively attempts to:
- Give an overview of English time expression.
- Give an detail on future expression on English.
- How Vietnamese learners learn and use them effectively.
3. Scope of study
In time expression, there are three main types: present expression, past expression, and future expression, but this paper focuses on future expression only. It is commonly known that English and Vietnamese are two different languages, so this paper will study difficulties and suggestion to overcome these difficulties. Through this paper, it is hopeful that Vietnamese learners can learn and use the ways of expressing future in English effectively.
4. Methods of the study
This thesis uses the following methods:
Firstly, the descriptive method is used to explain and prove an overview of time expression in English and the ways of expressing future in English.
Secondly, the contrastive analysis method is used to analyze how Vietnamese learners learn and use the ways of expressing future in English effectively.
Many materials used in this thesis statement are collected from books, journals, newspapers in English, English novels, etc.
5. Design of the study
With the aims and the methods mentioned above, this paper is designed in three parts focusing on the followings:
Part A is the introduction, presenting the rationale for choosing this topic, starting the aims of the study, the scope of the study and providing the methods to be applied in the study.
Part B is the development divided into three main chapters:
Chapter I refers to the literature review of time expression in English. This chapter attempted to point out an overview of time expression in English (two tenses are used to express the present, six tenses used to express the past and more than 7 ways are used to express the future.
Chapter II offers the ways of expressing the future in English. All information about ways of expressing the future in English are mentioned in this chapter. We can use seven tenses (present continuous tense, simple present tense, be going to form, simple future tense, future continuous tense, and perfect continuous tense) and some other ways to express the future in English.
Chapter III is the major chapter, focusing on how Vietnamese learners learn and use the ways of expressing future in English effectively. With via the contrastive method were used to point out some difficulties learners meet and give out some suggestions to overcome these difficulties.
Part C is the conclusion, giving all brief results of all the above sections.
References and Appendix come at the end of the thesis.

In order to understand ways of expressing the future in English and how Vietnamese learners learn and use them effectively, it is necessary to have a broad context regarding time expression in English. Therefore, this chapter deals with time expression in English. It covers how to talk about the present, the past, and the future in English.
1.1. An overview of time expression and tense in English.
According to linguists, time is the universal category in any particular language. It is considered under two different points of view: (1) Grammatical: Time is a grammatical concept which is reflect in verbs; and (2) semantic: time is shown in specific situations: state, event, action, speech…Most languages have ways to refer to time. Situations are located in time for when we are making an utterance, we may need to indicate whether we are referring to a situation which happens now, happened in the past or is likely to happen in the future. The point in time that an utterance relates to is usually shown buy the verb group called tense.
According to Roderick A. J. (1995: 187), tense is the grammatical marking on verbs that usually indicates time reference relative to either the time at which some other situation was in force. When we deal with tense, we’re dealing with actual language forms used to represent time reference notions, and time reference, unlike tense and aspect, has to do with meaning rather than form. Languages needs ways to refer to time. Events and situations are located in time, perhaps prior to our speaking about them, perhaps while we are speaking about them, perhaps at some later time.
Besides, …Tense is a way of expressing events as occurring at points situated along the linear flow of time. Within the linear flow, a point of reference must be established, with respect to which past events precede and future events follow. The normal, universal and unmarked point of reference is the moment of speaking -speech time. It can be diagrammed as follows:
_______________ ● ______________
Past Now Future
Speech time
The present moment
(Angela Downing & Philip Locke, 1995: 354)
Further more, we may also need to locate situations relating to some other reference point, for example:
Have you a moment? I want to ask you something.
Have you a moment? I wanted to ask you something.
Here, the choice of present or past tense depends on the speaker’s attitude. The present tense is more direct. The past tense is more distant. It makes the request more tentative and polite. (Eastwood J., 1994: 78)
With the above- mentioned, we can see that time is shown by means of the category of tense. Tense is any forms of a verb that may be used to indicate the time of the action or the state expressed by the verb. English has category of tense, and
… Tense can be defined as the linguistic expression of time relations when these are realized by verb forms. Time is independent of language, and is common to all human beings… (Angela D. & Philip L., 1995:353).
1.2. The meaning of Aspect
Aspect is concerned with the internal character of the event as it is presented by the speaker; it focuses on such contrasts as durative (extending in time) or non-durative , whether the event is seen in its initial stage or its final stage, whether its completed or uncompleted.
It is important to differentiate the notion of tense from that of aspect:
“Tense locates situation on time… Aspect is not concerned with relating the time, but rather with the internal constituency of the one situation; one could state the difference as one between situation- in eternal time (aspect) and situation- external time (tense)”. (Corie, 1976 )
The difference between the meaning of tense and aspect can be exemplified by the sentences: She played tennis yesterday afternoon and she was playing tennis when I came yesterday afternoon. (Cammie McGovern., 2002: 20). These two sentences posses the same tense, past tense. However, while in the first sentence, the meaning relates to the complete event of her playing happening yesterday afternoon, with no attention being paid to the internal situation of playing, in the second sentence, the information of the situation- playing- is of attention, namely, that when I came yesterday afternoon, she was in the middle of playing tennis.
1.3. Mood
According to Corie, 1976 , the term mood is traditionally applied to systems of syntactic contrast whose primary semantic function has to do with the level of the speaker’s assurance in the
factuality of what he is saying. There is a most common point of view that modern English has indicative, subjunctive, and imperative mood.
1.3.1. Indicative Mood
Indicative mood presents predication as reality. The predication does not need to be true but the speaker presents it as being so. It is not relevant for the purpose of our grammatical analysis to account for the ultimate truth or untruth of a statement with its predicate expressed by a verb. The form of the verb of Indicative mood is used in declarative sentences or in questions.

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