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các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: RESEARCH AND WRITING SKILLS SUCCESS PART 14

–R E V I S I N G Y O U R D R A F T –

2. STRUCTURE AND WRITING STYLE that each paragraph is linked logically to the
■ Do your ideas and writing flow? one above it and the one below it. If you have
■ Are there smooth transitions from sen-
trouble connecting sentences or paragraphs,
tence to sentence, paragraph to para- reword them slightly and see if that helps. As
graph, and from page to page? far as vocabulary and tone are concerned, use
■ Is your analysis easy to follow and
a red pen and take out or circle any conversa-
understand? tional, slang, or colloquial words. If you need
Giúp thinking of more formal ways to express
■ Is your tone professional?

■ Is the writing persuasive and com-
yourself, consult a thesaurus or synonym dic-
■ Are there any unnecessary words, sen-
The next step, sequencing, is one of the
tences, paragraphs, or pages that ne

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