
New Member
Cheat: Power Nodes, Semi Conductors

Ở Chapter 15, căn phòng cuối cùng mà có một bench/store và save point. Quay xuống hành lang, có một căn phòng mà bạn phải mở khóa bằng Power Node. Trong đó có chứa 2 Node, 1 Ruby Semiconductor và một vài item ngẫu nhiên khác. Thu nhặt chúng và trở lại save point. Save game rồi reload lại. Quay lại căn phòng bạn sẽ thấy lại thấy các item đó. Bạn có thể lặp lại quá trình này bao nhiêu lần tùy ý nếu bạn đủ kiên nhẫn.

Bạn cũng có thể làm tương tự như vậy ở Chapter 6 và 7

Unlockable: Modes

* Hardcore Difficulty (như hệ Insane trong DS 1 ) -Hoàn thành game ở bất kỳ độ khó nào để mở khóa Hardcore Difficulty. Độ khó này tương tự như Zealot chỉ khác là bạn chỉ có 3 lần save và mỗi lần chết bạn sẽ phải bắt đầu từ lần save gần nhất thay vì từ checkpoint. Ngoài ra bạn không thể bắt đầu từ New Game (+) mà chỉ có thể từ New Game

* New Game + - Hiện trong menu single nhưng chỉ có thể click vào khi ít nhất đã hoàn thành game một lần. Với New Game +, tất cả những gì bạn kiếm được từ lần hoàn thành game trước sẽ được giữ lại khiến việc chinh phục các mode Survivalist và Zealot dễ dàng hơn nhiều

Unlockable: Suits

Hoàn thành các tiêu chí sau để mở khóa các bộ Suit

* Arctic Security Suit - Hoàn thành game ở hệ Zealot
* Soldier Suit - Hoàn thành game ở hệ Hardcore Mode
* Hacker Suit - Mở khóa nếu như bạn có bản Dead Space: Ignition
* Riot Security Suit - hoàn thành game, bắt đầu New Game +, bạn sẽ thấy nó trong Store đầu tiên
* Elite Engineer Suit - hoàn thành game, bắt đầu New Game +, schematic nằm gần Store đầu tiên (chỉ dành cho các máy console)
* Elite Vintage Suit (Giảm giá trong Store) - hoàn thành game, bắt đầu New Game +, find schematic ở Chapter 6, màn đánh boss ở Transport Hub (chỉ dành cho các máy console)
* Elite Security Suit - hoàn thành game, bắt đầu New Game +, tìm schematic ở Chapter 9 (chỉ dành cho các máy console)
* Elite Advanced Suit - hoàn thành game, bắt đầu New Game +, tìm schematic ở Chapter 11, ở đoạn chơi thang máy màu vàng sau khi lên đến đỉnh (chỉ dành cho các máy console)

Unlockable: Multiplayer Level Rewards

* Level 04 - Solid Army Green Suit
* Level 07 - Line Gun
* Level 08 - Solid Red Suit
* Level 11 - Force Gun
* Level 13 - Solid Black Suit
* Level 14 - Increased Magazine Size / Plasma Cutter
* Level 16 - Solid Olive Suit
* Level 17 - Seeker Rifle
* Level 20 - Urban Camo Blue Suit
* Level 23 - Urban Camo Army Green Suit
* Level 25 - Increased Magazine Size / Line Gun
* Level 26 - Urban Camo Red Suit
* Level 28 - Javelin Gun
* Level 29 - Increased Magazine Size / Force Gun
* Level 32 - Urban Camo Military
* Level 33 - Increased Magazine Size / Seeker Rifle
* Level 34 - Increased Weapon Damage / Plasma Cutter
* Level 36 - Urban Camo Olive Suit
* Level 41 - Tiger Camo Blue Suit
* Level 42 - Increased Weapon Damage / Line Gun
* Level 44 - Increased Magazine Size / Javelin Gun
* Level 45 - Tiger Camo Army Green Suit
* Level 46 - Increased Weapon Damage / Force Gun
* Level 49 - Tiger Camo Red Suit
* Level 50 - Increased Damage / Seeker Rifle
* Level 52 - Tiger Camo Military Suit
* Level 56 - War Torn Suit
* Level 57 - Increased Weapon Damage / Javelin Gun
* Level 59 - Visceral Games Suit

* Level 03 - Lurker / Range Damage Increase
* Level 06 - Pack / Melee Damage Increase
* Level 09 - Spitter / Execution Damage Increase
* Level 12 - Puker / Ranged Damage Increase
* Level 15 - Lurker / Melee Damage Increase
* Level 18 - Pack / Execution Attack Damage Increase
* Level 21 - Spitter / Melee Damage Increase
* Level 24 - Puker / Execution Attack Damage Increase
* Level 27 - Lurker / Execution Attack Damage Increase
* Level 31 - Pack / Health Increase
* Level 35 - Spitter / Ranged Damage Increase
* Level 39 - Puker / Melee Damage Increase
* Level 43 - Lurker / Health Increase
* Level 48 - Pack / Lose Stasis Faster
* Level 53 - Spitter / Health Increase
* Level 58 - Puker / Health Increase

Unlockable: Handcannon

Hoàn thành game ở hệ Hardcore để mở khóa Handcannon có hình đang một bàn tay màu đỏ. Vũ khí này cực mạnh, đạn vô hạn nhưng không có laser sight


New Member
Trích dẫn từ lymo169:
bạn biết chỗ nào chọn Necromorph trong game ko?

Chọn sao được, lần lượt các level sẽ gặp đủ cả

NecromorphHow They Can Kill YouHow You Can Kill Them
BrutesThese hulking monstrosities are only seen a few times in the game (you'll fight two in a row when you get to the Ishimura). They're large, can move fairly quickly, and can do sizeable damage if they get close.Freezing them with stasis and then attacking the sores on their shoulders and behind the knees will do the trick. They will charge you, but stepping out of the way quick enough will send them running right past.
These were once babies that now walk upside and backwards (look up the infamous "spider walk" scene in 'The Exorcist' for an example). They're creepy, they're small, and they can be hard to kill, considering they explode. To add insult to injury, they sometimes don't yield items when they're killed.
Simply shooting at them will kill them in one hit. However, if you want to kill them with a little more finesse (and avoid getting caught in the blast radius when they explode), shoot them in the head. This will kill them without causing them to explode. Then, you can pick up the body and use it against others.
CystsThese things are stuck to walls, floors, and ceilings and act as a proximity mine against Isaac. Get too close and they'll shoot out an exploding pod-looking thing.The pod they shoot out only goes in one direction. If the cyst is on the ground, get close enough to set it off; when the pod shoots upward, it'll come straight down on top of it. If the cyst is on a wall or ceiling, you'll have to use traditional methods to destroy it.
ExplodersThese guys carry exploding sacs with them. If it gets too close, it will detonate.Just like the babies (crawlers), you can kill it and take the sac to use against other enemies. Also, shooting the sac will cause it to explode, killing the necromorph and damaging anything else nearby.
GuardiansLike cysts, these are transfixed to surfaces, like wall. They are usually found guarding a hallway or door. Get too close and it'll attack. For ranged attacks, guardians spit out smaller pods that grow tentacles. These tentacles will then shoot at you.
Use stasis to free them, then shoot the tentacles coming from the body. Do it before the guardian can release a pod.
Immortals*Only encountered in the last two chapters of the game, the are potentially the most deadly. They aren't very fast, nor very strong. They also don't spit anything at you. What makes them so deadly is the fact that they can't die. Shoot its limbs off, and they grow back. Destroy the head, it grows back.You can't kill it. Isaac's only hope of surviving one is to run. Freeze it with stasis, then shoot the legs off; that should buy you enough to time get to safety.
InfectorsThey look sort of like manta rays and appear to 'fly'. While they aren't the most dangerous of necromorphs, they do create more of them. Infectors take the dead and mutate them into other necromorph types. You'll run into one in the opening cinematic.Melee attacks are effectiuve, as is simply shooting at them. Infectors aren't very tough and go down quite easily.
LeapersWith a scorpion-like appearance, leapers can be very deadly due to their stinging tail and ability to crawl walls and ceilings.Incapacitate them by shooting off an arm or the tail. They can be stomped on, but stun it first with stasis before running in for the final blow.
LurkersLike the crawlers, these were once babies, only instead of trying to blow you up, they have tentacles growing out of their backs that spit at you. They can cling to walls and ceilings, and move about in zero-g.
Impaling their 'heads' will work, but shooting off the tentacles does the trick, as well.
NestsFound during the space segments of the game, they're large and have three bulbous tentacles that launch projectiles at you. What's worse, these projectiles follow you. Killing them gets you a ruby semiconductor each time.The glowing spots on the tentacles are the weakest areas. Aim for these and it'll go down quickly. To avoid the 'homing missiles', get in close then use stasis to slow the tentacles' movement.
PregnantsThey're large and have an 'overweight' appearance. They do normal damage if they get close, but if they're killed improperly, they unleash the swarm from their bellies.Aim for the head or the limbs. Do not fire at their stomachs, or you'll have a dozen or so tiny swarm necromorphs to deal with.
PacksThese little guys were once children and are now ferocious little toddlers of death. They always attack in groups, and though they're easy to kill, packs are deadly at close range.
Use a 'crowd control' weapon like an explosive of the secondary fire on the javelin. Melee attacks work well, but that means you have to get close to hit them. Individual ones go down in one or two shots, though.
PukersPukers aren't very fast, but they make up for that with acidic, projectile vomit. Get caught in a spray of this and it'll slow down, allowing other necromorphs to move in for the kill.Dismemberment will work, but keep your distance nonetheless. Even with reduced to northing but a head and a torso, they can still vomit on you.
SlashersIf there was any 'typical' form of necromorph, it would be these guys. They can move quick, do considerable damage with their blade-arms, and require strategy to kill.Dismember them. Simple as that. Impaling works well, plus you can grab their fallen blades to use against others.
SpittersThe spitting cousin of the slasher. They look the same, only these guys can hurt you from a distance.Use the same tactics as you would against a slasher.
The SwarmThey look like tiny insects. If they um. . . swarm you, they can quickly zap your energy.Crowd control weapons work best, but our favorite is the secondary fire of the javelin. Shoot a stake at the ground near them, then zap 'em with electricity. Otherwise, explosive will do the trick. If they do swarm you, tap the onscreen button to get them off.
TripodTall and with a long tentacle coming from its head that can stab you, you'll face quite a few of them on your way to the Solar Array in Chapter 7.The weak spot is on the stabbing tentacle: a glowing sore near the tip. When you fight them on the elevator ride to the Solar Array, dismemberment is an effective means of knocking them off.

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