Những bước cần thiết để *tweak* Acer One: cho SSD chạy nhanh hơn, cài thêm Skype và Firefox3, cập nhật hệ thống trước khi chỉnh wireless

Acers Aspire One is ready to go out of the box, but if youve opted for the Linux phiên bản and youre new to the OS, you may be wondering how to get started. Here are ten things to try.

Before we start, a warning. Later tips involve working with Linux configuration files, which do not take kindly to errors. Check your typing very carefully, particularly spaces and capital letters, and only proceed if youre comfortable. Back up your data, and ensure you have a recovery disk on stand-by. Weve done our best to check the text below, but we wont be held responsible if your AA1 crashes and data is lost. Nothing here will damage your machine or void your warranty - at worst, youll have to reinstall the OS using the Recovery Disc that comes with the AA1.

Please dont try this on an AA1 that has Windows XP installed.

1. Run Live Update

When you start up the AA1 for the first time, youll be taken through a basic set-up Wizard, after which the mini laptop will restart. When its back up and running youll find yourself facing Acers desktop GUI.

Its best to set up wireless networking in the Network Centre preference panel, but dont do this yet - just log in using the networking icon in the task bar. Next, click on the Preferences label then on the Live Update icon. The AA1 will present a list of updates that you should apply.

Bài có thể đọc chi tiết tại http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/09/05/ten_aspire_one_tips/

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