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Sample Resigation letter

December 5, 1999
John Doe, CEO of ABC Company
123 North Someplace
Anywhere, USA

Note: include a formal address even if youre hand-delivering this letter.

Dear Mr. Nguyen:

It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation, effective December 29, 1999. I have accepted a position with CDE Company, an opportunity to further my current career goals and achieve growth within the new company through a supervisory role.

It has been my genuine pleasure to work for ABC Company during these last four years. I have enjoyed working with ABC Companys fine staff of professionals and colleagues, and will miss my associations here. I wish you and ABC Company continued success in all your endeavors.

Note: If this company is one you may need again, whether in continued work or networking, or you desire continued allegiance, consider offering Giúp in interviewing, hiring, or training of your replacement. For example:

If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, please know that I will gladly make myself available to this effort during the next four weeks.

Note: If youre leaving this employment for reasons other than accepting a new position, you may be honest in your response, but, again, avoid negative statements. Always refer to the positive things you are moving toward rather than the negative things youre leaving behind.

Other examples for cause of resignation include:

* I have decided to take this time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities....
* I have decided to further my education in pursuit of (degree or future position)....
* I have decided to change the course of my current career goals and will be pursuing a new direction in "_______".

End your letter without closing the door on the future:

* Thank you for allowing me to serve ABC Company.
* Again, I wish ABC Company continued

Your Name

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