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1. Smallest linguistic unit that has meaning or grammatical function.
A. bound morpheme
B. free morpheme
C. morphemes
D. derivational morphemes

2. Bound morphemes that change the meaning or syntactic function of the words to which they attach...
A. Prefix
B. Suffix
C. Affix

3. An affix that attaches to the beginning of a stem...
A. Prefix
B. Suffix
C. Affix

4. Morphemes that change the meaning or lexical category of the words to which they attach...
A. Derivational morphemes
B. Inflectional morphemes

5. Morphemes that serve a purely grammatical function, never creating a new word but only a different form of the same word...
A. Derivational morphemes
B. Inflectional morphemes

6. ‐ed‐ in He washed the car is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes

7. ‐s‐ in He walks to school is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes

8. ‐tion‐ in Radiation leaked out of the plant is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes

9. ‐ing‐ in She is studying everyday is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes

10. ‐ly‐ in Slowly, he ambled down the street is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes

11. ‐est‐ in That is the biggest fish I have ever seen is...
A. Inflectional morphemes
B. Derivational morphemes


Firstly, we are deeply grateful to Ms Huyen Nguyen Thi Thanh, my supervisor for her valuable instructions, corrections and assistance during the implementation process of our graduation thesis.

Secondly, we would like to give our special thanks to all lecturers and staff from the Foreign Language Faculty, English Department of Phuong Dong University for giving us opportunities and encouragement to complete our study.

Finally, we also would like to express our sincere thanks to TA vu Son Tung for his support during our process to complete this essay.

Group: Luong Thi Thuan
Ha Kim Phuong


Part I: Introduction.
1. Rationale (reasons of the study) 3
2. Aims of the study 3
3. Scope of the study 3
4. Methods of the study 4

Part II: Development.
Chapter 1: Theoretical background.
I. An overview of English morpheme
1.1. Definition of Morpheme 5
1.2. Type of morpheme 6
II. An overview of Vietnamese morpheme
2.1. Definition of Vietnamese morpheme 9
2.2. Derivational morphology: word formation 9

Chapter 2: Comparison with Vietnamese morphology.
1. The similarities 11
2. The difference 13
3. Some suggestion 15
Part III: Conclusion 18

Exercises 19

References 23

Part I: Introduction

1. The rationale

“Language is the most important social communication among countries and people in the world”, said V.I Lenin. As the world changes and develops, the global integration becomes the trend in all over the world. All countries, including Viet Nam have been cooperated with each other in many aspects of society in order to enhance development of economy. It designated international communication as an important part of all sectors. English is considered as the international language which is widely used all over the world. However, each language as well as English has its own typical features which make difficulties for learners. To learn English well, first of all, we should understand deeply about its morpheme system.

Living in a community, human beings need a tool to communicate with each other, and to carry on human and social affairs. They, therefore, arbitrarily named the things and occurrences around making use of vocal sounds for the purpose of communication. After that they showed the vocal sounds and sets of vocal sounds in written signals.

Because of these reasons, we decided to choose the topic “English morpheme system and some applications of learning morpheme in establishing words”.

2. Aims of the study

We hope that our study is useful for English learners, for those who want to consolidate their knowledge about morpheme. Furthermore, it can Giúp people significantly improve their vocabulary to apply in translation and finally, they can also guess meanings new words without using dictionary.

3. Scope of the study.

The elimination of the essay is from 15-20 pages, so we can only deal with
• Definition, types of English morpheme.
• Definition, types of Vietnamese morpheme.
• Some suggestions in forming words.

4. The methods of the study.

To complete this study, we used some following methods:

+ Library research: we collected the data from curriculums, internet, and some valuable books of foreign and domestic scholars. We think these are valuable sources to effectively support for our study.

+ Comparison: we gave out the similarities and differences between English morpheme and Vietnamese morpheme.

5. Design of the study.

Our essay is divided into five main parts:

Part I: Introduction

Part II: Development

This is divided into 2 chapters:

Chapter 1: Some theoretical background knowledge.

Chapter 2: Comparison with Vietnamese morphology

Part III: Conclusion

Part IV: References

Part V: Exercises

Part II. Development

Chapter 1: Theoretical background

I. An overview of English morpheme
1.1. Definition

A morpheme is the smallest isolable unit in the linguistic structure which caries an independent meaning for example a noun or a verb stem as well as a suffix or prefix, and the meaning can be specific such as John (proper name), general such as a house, or purely grammatical such as pluralize, verbalize, etc.

The first part of the definition is the sequence of words smallest isolable unit, which means that these elements are the shortest stretches of sound which can be replaced by another such segment, and which always have some element of meaning attached to them, however broad or general this meaning might be.

The final requirement, for example, meaning associated with the segment, is necessary to eliminate the possibility of having two morphemes, such as cut and cot in which it might be said that the meaning difference between the two units was carried by the single phonemic distinction /ʌ/ and /ɔ/, which is of course true on the phonemic level of analysis, but it is probable also true that the meaning distinction is carried by only a single distinctive feature on the distinctive feature level of analysis.
These are some examples of morpheme:
• One morpheme boy (one syllable)
desire, lady, water (two syllables)
crocodile (three syllables)
salamander (four syllables
• Two morpheme boy + ish
desire + able
• Three morpheme boy + ish + ness
desire + able + ity
• Four morpheme gentle+man+li + ness un + desire + able + ity
• More than four un + gentle + man + li + ness
anti + dis + establish + ment + ari + an +
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