
New Member
Stop and Think!

When it comes to talk about "experience", what is yours so far? What is your story? What have been your strong moments and memories? How many achievements, failures and lessons learnt? How many potentials that have been explored?

The world is bigger than you think! What if you can become more?

What if AIESEC offers you a "bicycle" to...

"Ride your experience"?

AIESEC in HaNoi Fall Recruitment 2009 has officially run!

AIESEC is the world''s largest student-run organization, founded in 1948. Today we exist in 107 countries, present in over 1700 universities with over 38.000 members.
We provide a multinational platform for students explore and develop their potentials.Our ambition is to develop people that will have a positive impact on society.

AIESEC offers "AIESEC Experience" which comprises 3 elements:

Leadership opportunities

International internships

Global learning environment

Joining AIESEC, you will have great chance to:

Experience in Project ManagementDiversify their knowledge and experience (outside social sciences) to get new professional opportunities.Explore the ambition of their future and build personal plans to achieve it (goal setting)Leadership experienceImpact they can create on society through AIESEC activities and DT traineeships.Interaction with other cultures through international internships, CEED''s or international meetings

What members get out of the AIESEC Experience depends on each one of them.

It is you!
Who ride your own experience!

Click here to download application package
Deadline to submit application form: 14/09/2009
For more information, please visit:

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