
New Member

DLC Included- Bring Down The Sky

- Pinnacle Station

DLC Included- Genesis (NEW)

- Arrival (NEW)

- Aegis Pack

- Alt-Appearance Pack #1

- Blood Dragon

- Cerberus Arc Projector

- Cerberus Weapon and Armor

- Collectors' Weapon and Armor

- Equalizer Pack

- Firepower Pack

- M490 Blackstorm Projector Weapon

- Incisor Sniper Rifle

- Inferno Armor

- Kasumi's Stolen Memory

- Normandy Crash Site

- Overlord

- Recon Hood

- Lair of the Shadow Broker

- Terminus Armor and Weapon

- Umbra Visor

- Zaeed: The Price of Revenge

- Alt Appearance Pack #2

DLC Included- From Ashes


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