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Luận văn tiếng Anh: An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school = Điều tra thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh đối với việc sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ trong lớp học tiếng Anh ở trường THPT Hòn Gai.

List of table
List of abbreviations
Table of contents
1. Rationale
2. Scope of the study
3. Aims of the study
4. Method of the study
5. Design of the study
Chapter I: Literature review
I.1 An overview on the history of the mother tongue used in EFL classroom
I.2 Arguments against and for L1 use
I.2.1 Arguments against L1 use
I.2.1.1 The L1 Acquisition Argument
I.2.1.2 The language Compartmetalization Argument
I.2.1.3 Provision of the Maximum Target Language Argument
I.2.2 Arguments Favouring L1 Use
I.2.2.1 The Pedagogical Role
I.2.2.2 The Psychological Role
I.2.2.3 The Socio- cultural Role
I.3 Uses of mother tongue in L2 acquisition
I.4 Theoretical and Research Evidence Favoring and Disfavoring L1 Use
I.5 Amount of L1 and the Learners’ Level
Chapter II The study
II.1 Participants
II..2 Data Collection Instruments
II.2.1 The student questionnaire
II.2.2 Classroom observations
II.2.3 Interviews
II.3 Procedures for data collection
II.4 Results
II.4.1 Student questionnaire
II.4.2 Classroom observations
II.4.3 Interviews
II.5 Discussion
PART C: Conclusion and Recommendation
1. Conclusions
2. Recommendations
3. Limitations
4. Suggestions for further research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
This part presents the rationale, scope, aims, method, design and research
1. Rationale
The role of mother tongue or L1 in L2 classrooms is a controversial issue in L2
education. Different researchers, teachers and students hold different attitudes towards this
issue. Advocates of a monolingual approach suggest that the target language should be the
sole medium of communication. In other words, L1 should be prohibited in the classroom
for optimal use of the target language. As Atkinson (1993) has pointed out “every second
spent using L1 is a second not spent using English” (p.12). The mother tongue has been
treated as a taboo subject, source of guilt and a hint of teachers‟ weakness to teach properly
(Prodromou, 2001), a waste of time (Januleviciene and Kavakiauskiene, 2002). This
position has been influential and often assumed to be the hallmarks of good language
teaching (Atkinson, 1995). In contrast, scholars such as Schweers (1999), Kramsch (1993),
Atkinson (1987) argue that classroom use of the learners‟ native language has certain
advantages in some ways. L1 can have productive pedagogical, affective and socio
cultural roles. Atkinson (1987) claims that “the potential of mother tongue, as a classroom
resource is so great that its role should merit considerable attention and discussion in any
attempt to develop a „post- communicative approach‟ to TEFL for adolescents and
adults”(p.241). Therefore, the use of students native language should not be banned.
From my personal experience both as a student and teacher of English as a foreign
language, I believe that the appropriate use of the students‟ native language is of some
benefits to students‟ learning. This belief motivates me to carry out this study, which aims
to examine how the L1 is used in the English language classroom. Hopefully, the current
study‟s findings will partially Giúp more people especially foreign language teachers
acknowledge the role of L1 in the EFL classroom as well as know how to balance L1 and
L2 use in the EFL classroom appropriately.
2. Scope of the study
The study limits itself to the use of students‟ native language as well as the teachers
and students‟ attitudes towards the use of L1 in the English language classroom. The study
is conducted at Hon Gai Upper Secondary School in Quang Ninh
3. Aims of the study
The study aims to investigate the use of students‟ mother tongue- Vietnamese- in
the English classroom at Hon Gai Upper Secondary School. More specifically, the study
tries to seek answers to the following basic questions:
1. What is the attitude of teachers and students towards using Vietnamese in the
English classroom?
2. How often do teachers and students use Vietnamese in EFL classroom?
3. What do teachers and students use Vietnamese in EFL classroom for ?
4. Methods of the study
Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used, including classroom
observations, interviews, and questionnaire
 Classroom observations
Six conveniently- selected classes (of about 45 minutes in length) taught by three
different teachers were observed to find out how frequently and on what occasions
Vietnamese is used.
 Interviews
Post- observation interviews were conducted in order to gain insights into the
teachers‟ rationale of using L1 in the classroom. The interviews were transcribed fully and
analyzed qualitatively according to emerging themes.
 Questionnaire.
A questionnaire (see Appendix 1) was administered to 190 students to find out their
attitudes towards using Vietnamese in the English classroom. The questionnaire items
were developed with reference to the literature on the benefits and limitations of using
students‟ L1 in an L2 classroom.
5. Design of the study
The thesis consists of three parts:
Part A is the introduction, which presents the rationale, the scope, the aims, the methods
and the design of the study.
Part B consists of two chapters.
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Re: Điều tra thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh đối với việc dùng tiếng mẹ đẻ trong lớp học tiếng Anh ở trường THPT Hòn Gai. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

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