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If you think about what's happened over the last 10 years or so there's been a massive

globalisation of the media. The result of that has been that brand values and consumer

values around the world have homogenised to a certain degree. And that's really played

into the hands of a lot of the big Western multi-national companies. For example from

the soft drinks industry - Coca cola, Pepsi Cola - over the past 10 years they've

established massive distribution networks worldwide in markets where they were

previously fairly under-represented

It’s not just the global media which has helped big brands to spread

their appeal. The changing political scene has also played a part. The

collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet

Union, and the improvement in relations between the West and China,

have meant that vast new markets have opened up for western goods.

Big brands have also been able to spread their influence because of the

worldwide fascination with certain aspects of western life. Two

interviewees from Rahul Sarnaik’s report make this point. Shoba De is

a novelist and media commentator based in Bombay in India. Professor

Cary Cooper lectures in social psychology at Manchester University in

England. They both say that western culture has an “all-pervasive

influence” - its influence can be felt everywhere. To begin with, Shoba

De talks about how the big brands are making great advances - or

inroads - into newer markets such as India. Although she says that

awareness of big brands - or brand consciousness - has always been

strong there

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