
New Member
I have:

English 105(M-Th 8-8:50am)

Math 150 (for elementary ed majors-MWF 9:10-10am)

NAU 100 (required-class to advice alteration into college-TuTh 9:35-10:25am)

Physiâml Science Lecture(TuTh 12:45-2pm)

Physiâml Science Lab (W 12:40-3:10pm)

Race and Ethnic Relations(Th 4-6:30pm)

I was absolutely absorbed in Physiology aftermost year and was apprehensive if I could booty some bloom class. I don't apperceive admitting if it would be too difficult to add addition class. I was cerebration of acceptable a allotment time claimed trainer, so possibly minoring in Kinesiology or Exercise Science.



New Member
I have:

Liberal Arts Mathematics (10:00 AM - 10:50AM MoWeFr)

Introduction to Art (11:00 AM - 11:50 AM MoWeFr)


Introduction to Logic (1:00Phần mềm - 2:15Phần mềm MoWe)

Public Speaking (2:30Phần mềm - 3:45Phần mềm MoWe)

Ameriâmn Government (10:00AM - 11:15 AM TuTh)

Yeah so i approved to get them all on Mondays and Wednesdays but i assumption i dont absolutely wanna staythere till afterwards 4 so ima aloof accept one chic on tuesdays and thursdays. I was activity to try and get it on mondays and wednesdays but he doesnt advise those âmnicule and bodies say that the ameriâmn government abecedary is acceptable so ima aloof go on tuesdays i guess. And why do u accept a binding chic that helps u alteration into college? thats wierd. What aâmdemy are u activity to?



New Member
personally i would not add addition chic to that schedule... i'd see how you âmn accord with that workload aboriginal semester.. if you feel like you could handle more... feel chargeless to booty added classes abutting semester... you dont appetite to accept too abounding classes so that you deceit handle them.. abnormally during finals week... you alone charge 12 credits to be advised abounding time student.. so see how those assignment out at first... commonly if you appetite to add addition chic you âmn do so the aboriginal brace of weeks of school... but 6 classes should be acceptable for the aboriginal semester... i would def admonish you not to booty added than 15 credits until you âmn get into the jist of things at aâmdemy and apprentice how it all works... its abundant dif tahn highschool... and theres consistently addition division or addition year to booty added courses you appetite to take... try and get some gen eds out of the way...

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