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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Using group work to improve speaking skill of the first-year students at the College of Technology and Economics in Trade = Sử dụng hoạt động nhóm để cải thiện kỹ năng nói của sinh viên năm thứ nhất trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế-Kỹ thuật Thương mại.
Speaking is one of the most important skills that most learners of any foreign
languages wish to achieve. It is an important skill that 'makes you a more fluent language
user; speaking is a chance to notice the gaps between what you want to say and what you can
say; it is a chance to test hypotheses about language' (Marilyn Lerris, 1999-quoted by He
Lina) . At the college of Economics, Technology and Trade (CTET), English has been taught
as a compulsory subject for more than 10 years. All of the students are non-majored English
students. And speaking is a problem for most of them. During the speaking lessons, the
students here usually keep silence whenever I ask them to say something in English they just
say yes/no to this kind of questions and encouter a lot of difficulties with open- ended
questions such as 'why' or 'what do you think...?'; most of them feel nervous with speaking
practice exercises.
Although our students start with the beginner level of English when they enter the
college and are supposed to obtain the pre- intermediate level after graduation, just a small
amount of them are capable enough of communicating in English. In fact, our students are
more competent in reading, writing, and listening to English but not in speaking English and
they think it is their biggest problem in learning English. Why is this the case? This can be
blamed on some reasons: the effect of entrance examinations, the students‟ characteristics of
being quiet and shy, the teachers' difficulties in controlling oral communication activities in
large classes, or the lack of oral communicative activities in the textbooks...
Due to the researcher's teaching experience, she realises that her students are afraid of
making oral mistakes, because they think their mistakes cannot be 'erased' once they are
uttered out. Anxiety in speaking Enlish is a real problem. And the oral activities done in the
English class are often irrelevant to their daily life. These two obstacles prevent the students
from learning to speak in English.
Therefore this minor thesis focuses on studying these students' problems in the
English speaking class and suggests some teaching techniques and strategies that can be used
to overcome these problems by using group work to reduce anxiety and encourage
communication among these students. The researcher decided to carry out the research work
entitled "Using group work to improve speaking skill of the first year students at the College
of Technology and Economics in Trade".
The study examines how to use group work to improve the speaking skill of the first
year students at the CTET.
The study aims to:
1. Find out the reasons for some problems in speaking lessons
2. Offer group work as a key to improve speaking skill of the first year students at
1. What are the problems in speaking lessons?
2. Can group work Giúp to improve speaking skill?
The study will be designed as follow:
Part 1: Introduction which presents the rationales, the scope, the objectives, the
methods and design of the sudy.
Part 2: The development of the research
Chapter 1: Literature review
Chapter 2: The research
Part 3: Conclusion, suggestions, limitations
1. Theoretical background of speaking
1.1. Nature of speaking skill
Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing
and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994b; Burns & Joyce, 1997). Chaney and
Burk (1998, p.13) also argues that speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning
through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts". Referring to
speaking or communication in language teaching and learning, Brown (1994b) affirms that
interaction is the heart of communication; it is what communication is all about, for example
in the cases of sending messages; receiving them; interpreting them in a context; negotiating
meanings; and collaborating to accomplish certain purposes. And interaction is the
collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people resulting in
a reciprocal effect on each other. Bygate (1997, p.115) emphasizes that “interaction is the use
of language for maintaining communication between participants’ and ‘interaction skills are
skills of deciding what to say, when to say it and how to say it clearly”. Therefore, in speaking
process, learners are required to know not only how to produce specific points of language
such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistic competence), but also when, why
and in what ways language is produced (sociolinguistic competence).
Gower et al.(1995, pp.99-100) state the two main aspects of the speaking skill
including “accuracy” and “fluency”. It is said that accuracy involves the correct use of
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Accuracy if the focus of controlled and guided
activities with which students are also encouraged to attempt to use the language items they
have learnt in order to communicate accurately. Whereas, in Richards et. al (1993, pp.141-
142)‟s opinion, fluency refers to the level of communication proficiency which “includes (a)
the ability to produce written and/ or spoken language with ease; (b) the ability to speak with

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Re: [Free] Sử dụng hoạt động nhóm để cải thiện kỹ năng nói của sinh viên năm thứ nhất trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế-Kỹ thuật Thương mại. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

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