các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: English for personal assistants - part 11

5 Complaints

How you complain can make all the difference between resolving a problem quickly
and efficiently and severing a business relationship forever. When problems arise, a
telephone call may often be the first option in an attempt to put matters right. Make
sure every word counts and that it moves the situation on to a satisfactory conclusion.

Complaining by telephone
The scenario
Imagine you’ve organised for your company to take part in an international trade fair;
it’s a prestigious event for your company – all the movers and shapers will be there.
You have liaised with the trade fair organisers and made all the arrangements: the
space required for the stand, the location of the stand, and a small meeting room for
more detailed talks with potential clients. However, just two days before the event,
you receive a plan of the exhibition hall by post and see that your stand is tucked away
in a corner where few people will pass by. You had specifically requested a prominent
position near the main entrance. As time is short, you decide to phone the organisers
to complain. You are painfully aware that you must do everything you can to secure a
better position for your stand. You want to make your point forcefully yet resolve the
situation to your satisfaction.

Task 1
Match the strategies for complaining in the table to the PA’s sentences in the phone
call below

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